Produit N°16882 - Atelier alchimique ''Détox du Yang toxique''
Atelier alchimique "Détox du Yang toxique"
Discover the Benefits of Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique”
Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique” is an innovative workshop designed to help people detoxify their bodies and minds. This workshop is based on the principles of Chinese medicine and focuses on the concept of yin and yang, which are two opposing forces that must be balanced in order to achieve optimal health. The workshop is designed to help participants learn how to identify and address imbalances in their lives, and how to create a healthier lifestyle.
What Is Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique”?
Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique” is a workshop that focuses on the concept of yin and yang. Yin and yang are two opposing forces that must be balanced in order to achieve optimal health. The workshop is designed to help participants identify and address imbalances in their lives, and how to create a healthier lifestyle. The workshop is based on the principles of Chinese medicine, which is an ancient system of healing that has been used for centuries.
What Are the Benefits of Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique”?
Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique” offers a variety of benefits for those who participate in the workshop. Participants will learn how to identify and address imbalances in their lives, and how to create a healthier lifestyle. The workshop also helps participants gain a better understanding of the concept of yin and yang, and how to use it to achieve balance in their lives. Additionally, the workshop helps participants learn how to use Chinese medicine to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
How Does Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique” Work?
Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique” is a workshop that focuses on the concept of yin and yang. During the workshop, participants will learn how to identify and address imbalances in their lives, and how to create a healthier lifestyle. The workshop also helps participants gain a better understanding of the concept of yin and yang, and how to use it to achieve balance in their lives. Additionally, the workshop helps participants learn how to use Chinese medicine to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique” is an innovative workshop designed to help people detoxify their bodies and minds. This workshop is based on the principles of Chinese medicine and focuses on the concept of yin and yang, which are two opposing forces that must be balanced in order to achieve optimal health. The workshop is designed to help participants learn how to identify and address imbalances in their lives, and how to create a healthier lifestyle. If you are looking for a way to improve your overall health and wellbeing, Atelier Alchimique “Détox du Yang toxique” may be the perfect solution for you.
Services :: Vous avez l’intuition que les répétitions liées au Masculin Toxique dans votre vie, ne sont pas le fruit du hasard ? Maltraitance - Abus de pouvoir - Difficultés récurrentes avec l'autorité - disharmonies de couple - harcèlement, iniquité homme femme - relation compliquée à l'argent - féminin bafoué, violenté... Vous pensez que ces difficultés répétitives, assorties de probables souffrances ont quelque chose de précieux à vous dire ? Alors il est vraisemblable que cet atelier contribue à désactiver ce qui vous plombe à ce sujet. Vous pourriez-même peut-être le transformer en OR ! ... Car la racine du mal est une blessure ancienne qu'il est possible d'identifier, de pacifier, et même de transformer en quelque chose de précieux, contribuant à vous propulser vers votre domaine d'accomplissement et d'abondance.
Date de sortie le Samedi 17 Juin 2023 - Total : 99€ - 30 derniers jours : 6,60€ (1er niveau : 30% - 2ème niveau : 0%)
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SystemeIO :
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