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Burning Method


Produit N°42189 - Burning Method

Burning Method

Burning Method

Burning Method: A Guide to Different Burning Techniques

When it comes to working with ceramics or wood, burning is an essential step in the process. Whether you're a professional artist or a DIY enthusiast, understanding the different burning methods is crucial for achieving the desired results. In this article, we will explore various burning techniques and their applications.

Shrinking Firing

The first firing process, known as shrinkage firing, occurs after the clay has been dried. This firing removes water, burns organic components, and begins the degassing of the body. The result is a porous body that can absorb water during glazing.

Loading the Furnace

Prior to loading the furnace, it's important to coat the furnace plates with a release agent or bauxite. This allows for better shrinkage during firing. Care must be taken to prevent contact between glazed goods.

Burning Ceramics

When firing ceramics, different processes are used at increasing temperatures. The water in the clay evaporates first, followed by the complete loss of clay at 500°C. Organic components burn through oxidation. Once solidified, the glazing phase begins.

Oxidizing Firing

Oxidation refers to a burning process with excess oxygen. Electric fires are always oxidizing in nature.

Reducing Firing

Reducing firing exposes ceramic materials to oxygen removal. The firing temperature is reduced, and alternating oxidizing phases are necessary.


During reduction firing, carbon monoxide withdraws oxygen from the environment and the body. This results in a strong smoke development and a change in color of the ceramic body.

Firing Temperatures

The firing temperature in a ceramic furnace depends on various factors such as clay mass, glaze type, and desired effects. Stoneware and earthenware are generally fired at lower temperatures compared to porcelain. Technical ceramics and refractory products require higher firing temperatures.

Raku Firing

The Raku firing technique, originating from Japan, involves placing shriveled and glazed goods into a red-hot oven. The objects are then transferred to a closed container with organic material for further reduction. This process creates unique artistic effects.

Wood Fire

Wood firing was a common technique until the 19th century. Today, smaller wood stoves are used to achieve a natural-looking body surface. Ash deposits give ceramics their characteristic appearance in wood-fired kilns.

Top-Down Burning Method for Wood-Burning Stoves

For wood-burning stove users, the top-down fire lighting method is highly recommended. This method involves placing larger logs at the bottom, followed by smaller logs and kindling on top. The fire is lit from the top, resulting in less smoke, efficient burning, and easier maintenance.

Burning Waste: Considerations and Alternatives

Burning waste is generally not an environmentally friendly option due to potential resource loss and pollution. It is important to prioritize waste reduction, reuse, recycling, or recovery before considering burning. Proper permits and licenses are required for burning waste, and alternatives should be explored whenever possible.


Understanding the different burning methods is essential for achieving desired results in ceramics and woodwork. Whether you're a professional or a DIY enthusiast, mastering these techniques will enhance your artistic creations and ensure efficient use of resources.

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