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Today is Slow Day !


Produit N°5300 - Today is Slow Day !

Today is Slow Day !

Today is Slow Day !

Today is Slow Day!

Slow Day is a concept that encourages people to take a break from their busy lives and enjoy the present moment. It's a day to slow down, relax, and appreciate the simple things in life. It's a day to be mindful of our surroundings and take time to appreciate the beauty of nature.

The idea of Slow Day was created by 8h48, a French company that specializes in creating products that promote mindfulness and well-being. Their goal is to help people slow down and reconnect with themselves and the world around them. To celebrate Slow Day, 8h48 has created a special product called "Today is Slow Day". This product includes a set of cards with inspiring quotes and activities to help you slow down and enjoy the present moment.

The cards are designed to help you take a break from your daily routine and focus on the present moment. They can be used as a reminder to take a few moments to appreciate the beauty of nature, practice mindfulness, or simply relax and enjoy the moment. The cards are also great for sharing with friends and family, as they can be used as a way to connect with each other and share meaningful conversations.

So, why not take some time today to slow down and appreciate the present moment? Celebrate Slow Day with 8h48's Today is Slow Day product and enjoy the simple things in life!

Loisirs :: Today is Slow Day ! [Affiliation] Notre offre est à 24 € avec une commission pour vous de 10 % soit 2.4€ par vente. [Description de l'Offre] Mettez vous au rythme Slow pendant 1 journée, lâchez-vous la grappe et profitez ! Une véritable bulle d’oxygène à vivre en famille pour célébrer vos relations et expérimenter ensemble des moments d’exceptions “hors du temps”. Simple, léger et ludique, nous proposons un programme clé en mains avec des activités slow en famille, seul.e et en couple. Le tout directement envoyé dans vos boîtes aux lettres avec du papiers ensemencé et recyclés #zerodechet Concrètement, ça se passe comment : 1 ) Pendant la saison (été, automne, hiver ou printemps) je reçois l'enveloppe du Slow Day directement dans ma boite aux lettres 2) Je choisis le jour de mon Slow Day en famille 3) Dès recèption, je me laisse guider par les instructions et rassemble le matériel nécessaire sans pression ! 4) Le jour 'J' toute la famille profite de son Slow Day ! Relax and Enjoy !!

Date de sortie le Vendredi 30 Avril 2021 - Total : 11,64€ - 30 derniers jours : 0€ (1er niveau : 10% - 2ème niveau : 0%)

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  20. Ateliers Bébé Signes Slow en ligne
    Relations :: 03/09/2021 - Total : 0€ - 30 derniers jours : 0€ (1er niveau : 10% / 2ème niveau : 0%)

1TPE :

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